Nerves & Nitty Gritty
Having spent the last three weeks preparing the garden, today I am sitting and waiting for the delivery of my study/summerhouse. On the one hand I am really excited, my organisation freak side can't wait to get it painted and kitted out with my files, books, new stationary and pictures for the wall - all in time for the beginning of the course. My nervous side is developing an increasing sense of fear - the books have all arrived from the OU, the Student Finance is all arranged, my workspace is almost ready...... and then it all comes down to me. The summer is almost over, I am due to go back to work - how am I going to work, study, keep reading and writing and look after my family?! Should they be in that order? That's how it came out, does this mean something? I don't know. What if I can't do it, supposing my assignments aren't up to scratch, or everyone in the group understands a concept apart from me?
My sensible side is telling me to keep calm - I have the support of my family, I (will) have a quiet working space, with the help from the OU guide I have worked out a study and free time schedule, I am already in contact with other students on the OU forum who virtually all feel just as nervous. My 'children' are now young men, they are not going to starve (Sainsbury's can testify to that!) It is going to be hard, it is going to be tiring but the will and intent are there.
Now I've slapped myself around the face, where's that blasted delivery?.....
We WILL survive, you WILL succeed, relax and let it happen. Believe, I do. X - The Guitar Man :)