Friday, 19 October 2012

Juggling The Balls

Weeks ago I sat down and planned out my days in half hour slots, plotting when I would be at work (grey blocks), getting home and cooking, sorting washing etc (white blocks) when I could study (red blocks) and when I would give myself some time off (yellow blocks).  The first week was perfect. 

Sadly this second week hasn't worked quite so well and all those colours seem more like blocks with an additional 'o' and 'l'!  I am part of a family, unexpected 'things' crop up and the basic stuff still needs to be done.  I thought I had allowed time for this but as I have discovered life isn't always that organised.  I work hard and so does The Guitarman, sometimes he isn't able to take J to his guitar lesson or maybe he needs to pop home briefly to eat before going out to work again.  Someone has to cook the dinner and provide the taxi service and whilst everyone is mucking in, that also has to include me.  I made the mistake on Tuesday of allowing myself unscheduled leisure time because technically I am ahead of the game.  However Wednesday, for various reasons outside anyones control, went completely to pot.  By the time I was free to study it was gone 9pm and I was dead on my feet.  At the end of the evening I was really anxious as I know that on Thursdays I have other commitments and cannot study at all.  That's three days in a row without study - I might be able to get away with it at the moment but as the course progresses this won't be the case I am sure.

Busy with work, busy with family, and all the while trying unsuccessfully to stick to the plan.  Anyone that knows me well, knows that this is my idea of hell.  I like things to be organised, I like to know what I am doing and when and I don't particularly enjoy last minute deviations.  This week I am studying Cleopatra, that week I am studying Cezanne, it's clear in my head, I am happy.  Meanwhile in reality my email pings and a tutor on my tutorial forum poses a question to get us all thinking and discussing a related topic.  What do other students do?  They respond with thoughtful and considered observations.  What do I do?  Ignore it.  The truth is, at the moment I simply can't cope with it.

So what have I learnt this week? 
  1. Following the plan isn't always going to be possible
  2. I need to take my opportunities when I get them (don't sit in your dressing gown drinking wine and catching up on True Blood)
  3. I need to adjust to later nights during the working week
  4. I can't bury my head forever, sooner or later I am going to have to cope with work, home and social life, official study and the extra stuff thrown in 
Oops, what just fell on the floor?


  1. Ahhh Welcome to my world!!! :-)

    once you get into the swing of things you will find it flows more easily. I have seven children, a husband, a grandson who I look after for two days a week, a cat who is neurotic and has a broken pelvis, half a dozen websites to maintain, a home to run, two OU modules this year... all that and I love knitting, reading, writing... well anything that gives me procrastination satisfaction really!
    Despite all that, I'm the fifth year of my Degree and still loving it.
    You WILL cope, you WILL get there... keep the faith!

  2. Wow, how do you manage? Thanks so much for the words of encouragement.


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