Sunday, 1 July 2012

 The First Steps

Well here we are, I have finally navigated my way around the site and configured my first ever blog!  I am sure there will be adjustments to make not only on this page but for me personally - this is after all so.......public. 

In October I will begin the first module of a Humanities Degree with a Creative Writing pathway.  All going to plan, this part time course will take six years to complete.  I am already in contact with other students on the OU Start Studying forum.  Reading the posts on the forum creates both excitement and fear.  The ages appear to range from 18-50something and many of us seem to be experiencing the same feelings: eagerness to get going but fear that we are in some way lacking.  Some haven't studied for years, some didn't succeed recently, some don't think they have read enough books.   As in all walks of life some come across as confident and competent and here my insecurity raises its head.  I haven't used my analytical skills for over four years (I took an openings course with the OU to test the waters).  What makes me think I can do this?  My brain has been mush for years!  I live in a busy household with six people and two dogs, how am I going to study?  Luckily I have a supportive husband and family.  We have worked out the logistics, so whilst those doubts are tapping away in my brain I have to push them to one side and allow room for my belief to grow.  I need to exercise my brain, or indeed exorcize it - get rid of the demons of doubt and focus on expanding the memory muscle. 

Well, I make no promises this journey could go either way but it would be great if you could take my hand and come with me.......


  1. My goodness, I don't think you have to worry at all. I think you could write a book already - I'd read it! I'm looking forward to reading more...

  2. Thank you Sheila you are a true friend (and I will pay you later).


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