Monday 25 November 2013

Tricky Wiki

Tricky Wiki

The first of two collaborative assignments for the year wasn’t what I had hoped it would be.  I knew it would be a challenge – what else can you expect from a group of people you don’t really know, conversing only on-line to create an essay?  Not only do you have to agree (or compromise) on what you are saying but how you are going to say what you are saying.  Not to mention being careful of how you say, how you are going to say what you are saying.  It was tricky and just when things seemed to smooth themselves out it all took a turn for the worst.  Then it was horrible.  Interestingly on the day we finished I saw a retweet from Mark Forsyth ‘sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it’.  Whilst the quote is a reference to his new book The Elements of Eloquence, how apt, is all I can say.

During this episode I was aware that I was a nightmare to be with.  At work, at home, no-one got away lightly.  I’m surprised my family didn’t move out or at least tell me to move out.  I was thoroughly horrible.  The day after we finished I felt like myself again for the first time in about three weeks. Overnight the frowning, short-tempered beast that had pervaded my being dissipated like a phantom dissolving into the air.  What a relief. 

Unless the OU and/or universities generally have a huge change of heart and remove these team elements from the curriculum, I will have to do another wiki next spring.  Perhaps I can get a bed in my shed?  I might need it.

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